Welcome to visit Yangjiang Huierte New Materials Technology Co., Ltd!


13760512007(Liang Bin)

0662-6697336(customer service )

Professional requirements:UnlimitedAcademic requirements:College Degree

Number of recruits:3人Work salary:Face to face

Welfare treatment:Face to facework place:Dongguan Dongkeng Town Chukeng Management Zone


1. College degree or above, majors are not limited.

2. Good communication and expression skills, clear thinking.

3. Strong customer service awareness and team spirit.

4. Sales experience is preferred. Excellent fresh graduates are also eligible.

description of job:

1. According to the customer resources provided by the company, effective communication and visits were made to establish stable cooperative relations.

2. Grasp the market trend, explore potential customers, and achieve the company's sales objectives.

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